Alice Lewis

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Composer and singer from the UK. For the writer of liner notes for Zydeco artists Queen Ida and Al Rapone, use Alice Lewis (2).

After a childhood in the United Kingdom, Alice Lewis studied at the Beaux-Arts in Cergy where the practice of drawing, sculpture and installations led her to write her first songs there. In 2004, she went to study opera in China and in 2007 zither in Taiwan. She developed her activities as a composer and singer, writing music for feature films ("Le Renard et l'Enfant" by Luc Jacquet, director of "La Marche de l'Empereur") and commercials notably produced by David Lynch and Patrice Leconte. She is also a chorister for Sébastien Tellier (on "Politics") performs for the orchestra the Sacre du Tympan.