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Conscious Species Album (2017)

Reset Layer EP (2016)

Laboratec Album (2015)

Airi is Felix A., a half Swiss/Japanese producer, currently residing in Tokyo, Japan. Having worked with electronic music since 2004, he has found a real passion in his expression through psychedelic music. He has had a musical education and has been a violinist since his childhood, as which he also used to play in the orchestra. Over the years he has developed his very own remarkable style of music, characterized by expressive sound design, massive basses and thoughtful atmospheres. Having rocked countless dance floors in more than 20 countries, he never ceases to surprise his public with his powerful and intelligent signature sound. He has played on some big international festivals including Universo Parallelo 2019 (Brazil), Hadra Festival 2018 (France), Modem Festival 2016 (Croatia), Dragon Dreaming Festival 2018 (Australia), One Love Festival 2019 (Switzerland). Watch out for this artist since he will keep innovating the genre for years to come.

近年、東京に拠点を写したスイスと日本のハーフであるAiriことFelix Acは、2004年からエレクトリックミュージックを始め、強い情熱をサイケデリックトランスを通して表現している。音楽教育を受け、幼少の頃からオーケストラでバイオリニストとして育った彼の楽曲は、暖かいサウンドスケープながらも分厚いベースと、スマートな曲構成でUniverso Paralello Festival(ブラジル)、Modem Festival (クロアチア)、Dragon Dreaming Festival (オーストラリア)、Hadra Festival (フランス)、One Love Festival (スイス)、Freqs of Nature (ドイツ)、La Tiera Prometida (メキシコ)等、世界中の数えきれないほどのダンスフロアーをロックしてきた。今現在も進化している他に類を見ない'Airi ジャンル'を見逃すな!

Contact: airi.felix (at)