
About this artist

The names 2jaym, the goal is to help people with my music as much as music helped me. It's never been about the fame or the clout or the fans for that matter. Music to me has always been a method of therapy, a moment of clarity pure enough to grow as a person. But as personal and vulnerable as my music is, my hope is that you the listener feels even a small amount of the vast chasm of emotion that goes into my music, perceive it as you may, take from it what you must and learn from it what you need to. I do not expect you to see the picture as I paint it, but rather construct your own picture with my words as a template. We all have experienced life differently and feel infinitesimally alone due to this fact, don't let that void consume you, fill that void with art so powerful, with emotion so deep, with love so vibrant and with life so pure that you break out of that cycle of self doubt and self hate. If my music even remotely makes you feel less alone, my purpose has been fulfilled.

These links:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/2jaymm

Instagram: https://instagram.com/2jaym